Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Birthday!

Today I turned 30 and it was a fantastic day. Chris and Connor got me a sewing machine. I am itching to play with it. I actually have to go with my mom to look at others to see which one "fits" me. Chris bought one of the cheaper ones knowing that I would probably want to upgrade. We went to Outback with our dear friends, the McGuire's and Scott's. I was sad that the Tell's couldn't make it. The kids were something to be desired though. We really should have gone out without them. Susan actually left without eating her dinner because Marisa was being a little stinker. Connor wanted a high chair, and then spilled the WHOLE cup of milk on himself. NICE! He was freezing then, and thought he was in trouble, so that made a scene. I will say, though, Maggie was a little sweetheart and kept telling me Happy Birthday, and she the best behaved out of everyone. She tells me I am "firty". I almost sounds like forty though...


Amanda said...

Happy Birthday,again! So glad you had a wonderful day. And hey, WELCOME TO THE 30 CLUB! ;)

dana said...

glad you had a good bday, i thought you were going to Valentine's. sorry the kids behavior was something to be desired, i remember as a little girl when i spilt something always crying thinking i was in trouble. oh well that just measns that the next 50 times you all go out they will be good! it seems as when my kids misbehave it has a domino effect on the other ones.